Welcome to the Calderwood

Please note that these calendars are subject to change based on work completed in the facility. Please check with building management in the 2nd floor office or virtually if you have specific questions.

The Google Calendar displays just the open and closed periods for the building, while the PDF below shows a detailed schedule for all of our spaces.

Calderwood Schedule w.e. 2.23.25.pdf
Calderwood Schedule w.e. 3.2.25.pdf


Welcome to our venue information site. Here, you'll find up to date information about the Calderwood Pavilion's inventories, drawings to download, and lots more. Head up to the top menu to find out more about each space in the "Venue Information" dropdown. The Operations team has designed this page to have information for anyone using the building to read and interact with. This website also serves as a Wiki for anyone using the Calderwood's spaces.

For any questions about the capabilities of the Calderwood Pavilion, or if you're looking for something that's not listed here on the site, please contact:

Taylor Ness

Calderwood Pavilion Operations Supervisor


This site was last updated on 21-February-2024 TJN

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