Loading Dock Info
Loading Dock Hours: 7:30a-4:00p Monday thru Friday
These are hard hours without flexibility as the Calderwood Pavilion does not control the loading dock's operation
The loading dock for the Calderwood Pavilion is shared with the Atelier 505 building. The dock is accessible on Warren Ave between Clarendon Street and Berkeley Street, adjacent to the Atelier 505 underground parking garage entrance, approximately across the street from 23 Warren Avenue.
Loading Dock Sizes and Policies:
Max height: 12'9" - we can fit a standard sized Penske or Ryder box truck in the dock when they are lowered on their air suspension
Max length: 26' truck with nose out/door open, 18' truck with door closed
Unload Height: 48", or variable with dock leveler in the longer truck bay. This makes our dock ideal for deliveries on an LTL truck, but not for smaller vehicles. We also have a dock plate and an 8ft ramp available.
All trucks in loading dock must be actively loading or unloading. No one may leave a vehicle in the dock unattended, and all vehicles must be parked off-site. The dock is equipped with two loading bays, the longer of which has a leveler. The shorter bay is the preferred location for dumpsters. Users of the Calderwood Pavilion may only occupy one dock bay at a time, including dumpsters, trucks, and other deliveries.
The loading dock cannot be reserved during regular operating hours and operates on a first-come-first-serve basis. Since this dock serves 6 businesses and the condo tower, there are constant deliveries to this loading dock. We appreciate your patience waiting for a space to open up and encourage you to arrive early.
Load outs that require the use of a dumpster may schedule up to a 30 yard roll off dumpster with a two-week approval by Calderwood staff. The dumpster must be dropped off at 12:30pm on Saturday and picked up promptly at 7:30am Monday. The Calderwood Pavilion has not had a dumpster in the dock since 2018, and the pandemic changed quite a few things around town, so we do not have a preferred vendor at this time.
All load ins and load outs are scheduled by the Calderwood Pavilion Manager and the BCA based on availability of the loading dock and set around performance times. Due to the mixed-use nature of the loading dock, all deliveries via truck to the Calderwood must be scheduled in advance. This includes rental equipment, rehearsal furniture, etc.
Path to Stage
The path to both the Wimberly and Roberts stages includes three double swing loading doors that are 8'0" tall x 8'-0" wide. This is the size of the opening for the doors and does not account for the width of the door if they are not able to open all the way. All scenery must fit through this opening.
To make the necessary turns from the dock Into both theatres, scenery and equipment can be no longer than 22'-6" in length.
This path is pictured at the bottom of the page.
Mail and Packages
The Calderwood has multiple addresses for receiving deliveries, so please address your mail carefully.
For letters and other small USPS envelopes, please use:
Calderwood Pavilion
Attn. Your Name Here
527 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116
For packages and larger deliveries, please send them to the following address:
Calderwood Pavilion
Attn. Your Name Here
505 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116
This address routes packages to the loading dock with UPS, USPS, FedEx, Amazon, DHL, and other parcel carriers.
Note that neither of these addresses is the physical location of the loading dock, these are just shipping addresses. The loading dock is on Warren Avenue on the back of the building, and is located here:
Facility Use Policies - Loading Dock (Click to Expand)
The loading dock is designed to fit two trucks, though the Calderwood may only have access to one dock bay at a time. Driver must be present at the loading dock at all times. The maximum truck size that can fit in the loading dock is 12’-9” high and 24’ long during regular dock hours, Monday through Friday 7:30am – 4pm. The dock can be made available between 8:30a and 12p on Saturdays or an additional fee.
If the loading dock is required during off-hours on the weekends, a truck may be parked in the loading dock with the door shut beginning at 12p on Saturday and then picked up at 7:30am on Monday with prior written consent from the Operations Supervisor. The maximum truck size with the door closed is 12’-9” high and 18’ long. There is a fee associated with all off-hour use of the space.
The loading dock is for loading and unloading trucks only. Vehicles may not be unattended in the loading dock. All trucks must be parked off-site. The loading dock is not operated by the Calderwood Pavilion and is a part of the Atelier 505 condominium complex attached to our facility. For this reason, adjustments to the schedule cannot be made for any reason.
Clearances from the loading dock into the theatre are tight and require two (2) 90 turns. All door openings are approximately 8’ high and 8’ wide. It is estimated that long items (16’-21’) will be able to make the corners depending on width.
If loading equipment for the second floor, the door to the freight elevator is 66” wide x 96” high, with an inside car dimension of 64” deep x 96” wide x 96” high. The smallest door on the second floor that you may have to pass through is 32” wide by 76” high (to avoid door hardware).
Load-outs that require the use of a dumpster are able to schedule up to a 30 yard roll off dumpster with a two-week approval of the Calderwood Pavilion Manager. The dumpster must be dropped off at 12:30pm on Saturday and picked up no later than 7:30am Monday morning. All Load-ins and Load-outs are scheduled by the Calderwood Pavilion Manager and the BCA based on availability of the loading dock and set around performance times. Due to the mixed-use nature of the loading dock, all deliveries via truck to the Calderwood must be scheduled in advance. This includes rental equipment, rehearsal furniture, etc. Loading in equipment through the front doors of the facility is not an acceptable alternative to the loading dock. All equipment, scenery, furniture, etc. must be brought in to the building through the loading dock.
This map shows the physical location of the loading dock, please do not ship anything to this address and see notes above for shipping/mailing
360 degree view of inside the dock and the path to our stages:
(works best on desktop)
Loading In the Front Door
Loading equipment in and out of the building should be completed through the loading dock and not through other means of entry.
With written permission from the Calderwood Operations Supervisor, loading in through the front of the building is possible. To come in through the front doors and into the theatre spaces, there are at least three doors as detailed below:
Outer Lobby Doors
8'-3" tall
6'-5" wide
Inner Lobby Doors
6'-7 ½" tall
5'-10" wide
The center post cannot be removed
Wimberly House Doors
6'-9 ½" Tall
5'-7" Wide