Softgoods & Curtains
The Calderwood Pavilion's theatres come with a full inventory of softgoods and masking intended for theatrical productions. These inventories come with the rental cost of the Virginia Wimberly Theatre and/or the Roberts Studio Theatre, and cannot be used in spaces other than what they were intended for.
The inventory below represents the new 2024 inventory that was brought into service
in September 2024.
Internal users: StageStock is up to date with the Calderwood Softgoods Inventory (Jan 2025) click here to access
Virginia Wimberly Theatre Softgoods Inventory
Black Borders [6 in stock]
6'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
0% fullness
Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods
Black Legs [12 in stock]
25'-0" Tall, 10'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
0% fullness
When the battens are flown all the way out, these legs are just 3'-0" off the ground
Taller Black Borders [2 in stock]
10'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
0% fullness
Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods
Black Tabs [8 in stock]
23'-8" Tall, 10'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
0% fullness
These are permanently installed running upstage/downstage on both sides of the space beneath the galleries. Three per side.
2-Part Traveler and Track
Total Width 46'-0"
Travel Width 42'-0"
25'-0" Tall, 23'-0" Wide Panel A
25'-0" Tall, 25'-0" Wide Panel B
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
75% added fullness
Traveler track and pully system are available upon advance request and assistance with installation is available.
White Cyclorama
25'-0" Tall, 42'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Muslin FR Heavy Weight White
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.
Stored wrapped in a diaper
Black Scrim
25'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Sharkstooth Scrim
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods
Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.
White Sharkstooth Scrim
27'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide
Bleached White Muslin
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.
Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.
This is older stock and was not replaced in 2024.
Rear-Projection Screen
27'-0" Tall, 42'-0" Wide
Rose Brand 110 Cream color
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.
Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.
Roberts Studio Theatre Softgoods Inventory
Borders [2 In Stock]
New for 2024
1x @ 40'-0" wide x 2'-0" tall
1x @ 50'-0" wide x 2'-0" tall
0% fullness
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
Black Legs [10 in stock]
18'-0" Tall, 10'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
Black Legs for Show Deck
[4 in stock]
16'-8" Tall, 10'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
These are intended to be used when a show deck is installed in the Roberts that raises the playing surface.
2-Part Traveler [1 in stock]
Total Width 40'-0"
Travel Width 38'-0"
17'-6" Tall, 22'-0" Wide Panel A
17'-6" Tall, 20'-0" Wide Panel B
Rose Brand Charisma Velour IFR 25oz
Traveler track and pully system are available upon advance request. Assistance with installation is available.
White Cyclorama [1 in stock]
17'-6" Tall, 40'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Muslin FR Heavy Weight White
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.
Stored wrapped in a diaper
Black Scrim [1 in stock]
17'-6" Tall, 40'-0" Wide
Rose Brand Sharkstooth Scrim FR Black
Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.
Updated 22-August-2024 TJN