Special Effects
The Calderwood Pavilion Is equipped with a state of the art fire and smoke detection system, so some special effects need permitting and coordination before being put Into production. Please use these guidelines and feel free to ask questions to the Operations Supervisor.
Atmospherics - Haze
For the first 18 years of the history of the Calderwood, we did not permit atmospheric effects of any kind In the building. After we started branching out with our testing, we found that there are certain products that do not Interfere with the alarm & smoke detection system.
Things we tested for:
Air seal leaks
Due to the nature of the system, only tested and approved haze machines are permitted to be used in the Wimberly. Haze and other atmospheric effects are still not permitted In the Roberts Studio Theatre.
Permitted equipment that does not require testing or a permit from BFD:
This product uses CO2 as well as a fluid mixture of glycol and water.
We recommend sourcing CO2 tanks from Tolman Manufacturing In Dorchester, but there are numerous vendors In the area that can provide these tanks.
This machine Is permitted to run at full capacity for 5 minutes, then must turn off for 5 minutes, then can run again (or any shorter duration cycle). This limitation comes from air seal leaks Into the condo tower adjacent to us to not fill their service hallways with haze and cause panic.
High Output and 4Wall Entertainment rent this product locally along with CO2 hoses and regulators.
This product is DMX controllable
This product uses a fluid mixture specifically developed for the product and Is made from glycol and water.
There are no runtime limitations with this product In the Wimberly.
This product is DMX controllable using a wireless relay.
If there is a specific effect that you are seeking, please reach out so that we can discuss and find an option that works! We can perform further testing in the space for a fee paid to our fire alarm company to be on-site and temporarily shut off the monitoring system.
Atmospherics - Fog
Fog machines are not permitted in any space within the Calderwood Pavilion.
Smoking On Stage
Actors using theatrical cigarettes is possible on our stages at the Calderwood.
Cigarettes must be herbal or electronic, and a detailed plan of Implementation. Lighters must be self-extinguishing (like a Bic lighter, but NOT a Zippo lighter) Please see an example of a submission here.
Coordination with the Operations Supervisor is required to Implement on-stage smoking. Please reach out to discuss details.
Candles and Live Flame
The use of candles and other live flame in the theatre spaces Is possible with significant coordination with the Boston Fire Department. Please reach out to the Operations Supervisor 6 weeks (or as soon as possible) before load-In with requests for live flame effects. Typically a BFD fire watch is required for these effects, which will incur additional fees.
Prop Firearms
Prop firearms that fire must have their barrels blocked. Prop firearms must be stored in locked storage, there are lockers for this purpose in the green rooms of both theatres - please plan to supply a lock for it.
All prop firearms must be inspected by Operations Supervisor before being triggered.
Any special effect not expressly prohibited are not necessarily permitted. Please seed approval from the Operations Supervisor.